Chabad of Coronado
invites you to join us for

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10:00am: Holiday Services

11:30am: 10 Commandments &
Hebrew School end-of-year presentation and awards
12:00pm: Dairy luncheon

at Chabad of Coronado
956 Orange Ave.

Please Join Us For: 
A Lox & Bagels Buffet
Scrumptious Cheesecake and Desserts 
Ice Cream Bar 



 Please RSVP
First Name:    Last Name:
How many people will be attending?  Adults:    Children:  
 Address:     City, ST, Zip:
 Email:    Phone:
Free of Charge  •  Sponsor: $500
 Event Sponsorship
 Yes, I would like to sponsor this event. Please charge my card: $
Name on Card:     Card Type:
Card Number:  
Expiration Date:
CVV Code:

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